The Most Trusted Weight Loss, Fitness, Nutrition & Mindset Coaching Available Online - Designed By Women For Women

Breakthrough your weight loss plateau & finally lose stubborn body fat for good 

Stop Yo-Yo Dieting Without Results


Start losing weight and confidently keep it off with our proven fat loss formula and Lean for Life Method

Get Lean For Life
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Life & Body Transformations
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Helping Women Around The World
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Lose Up To 20 lbs every 90 days
Drop multiple dress sizes each month

Hereā€™s How Hundreds of High-Achieving Women just like you are Reclaiming Their Health With our Customized Done-For-You Coaching Plan

(Plus, learn our insider expert secrets for permanent weight loss that no one else is sharing like we do!)

If you're reading this page, chances are you're pretty frustrated with this whole "weight loss" thing...

You’ve heard it all, tried it all, and at this point are probably feeling downright doubtful that this will ever even work for you. 

Sure, you’ve been successful in many other areas of your life, but when it comes to juggling your health & fitness, it’s a lot harder.

And at this point you might even be wondering if there’s something wrong with YOU 

I know what it’s like to try everything, only to feel defeated for it not to work and like you’re back at square one. 

It’s normal to feel doubtful, but just remember, YOU aren’t the problem, your fitness strategy in this season of your life is! 

Losing weight is VERY achieveable

Keeping the weight off is 100% possible!

Even if you’ve been on different diets over the years without results, it’s still biologically possible — and psychologically possible — to take control of your health . . . IF you have the right strategy + support.

And the best part is: You DON’T need to give up foods you enjoy or torture yourself with cardio . . . 

I'M SO READY! Okay, Youā€™re Speaking My Language!

Discover How to ACTUALLY Love Looking In The Mirror

Most diets don’t work. There. I said it!

It’s not your fault, mama! We’ve all tried and "failed” at dieting (or regained the weight like a week later). 

And here’s why: most programs don’t have all 3 of these elements. And you NEED them to succeed! 

Science-backed nutrition plans and exercise routines that fit to YOUR lifestyle — not the other way around!

Support & Accountabilty from a community of badass women who are fighting the same daily battle you are — and winning with you.

Certified Personal Trainers and Fitness Coaches who help you flip your mindset so weight loss is permanent . . . and eating feels phenomenal!

With the real-life support you need — AND an anti-starvation diet plan — you can’t help but look and feel your best.

With my help, a radiant new you WILL emerge in just 12 short weeks . . .

Start your journey today!

This isn't just fast weight loss; it's PERMANENT weight loss.

- Lia Kinn

Hi, Lia Kinn Here

I created the Lean for Life Coaching Program to give you EVERYTHING I wish I had when I started my fitness journey . . . from personal accountability to expert nutrition & fitness advice. 

Because like you, I struggled with my weight for years! 

I spent countless hours in the gym . . . countless dollars on weight loss pills and appetite suppressants . . . and I always saw the weight return (or increase!). 

Then I got real. 

I took a sane, flexible approach to dieting and made some changes to my mindset. And I exercised strategically – without spending hours doing cardio (’cause who has time for that nowadays anwyay!). 

And, look, I lost -45 pounds in just 6 months!

My friends and coworkers said they couldn’t believe it. I had gone from a size 11 to a size 2 in a blink. Without crash dieting. Without depriving myself of foods I love or stepping foot in a gym.

Best of all, I kept the weight off because I changed my beliefs about food and exercise.

Even getting pregnant with my son, I
gained 48 lbs and confidently lost it all postpartum following my proven formula and Lean for Life weight loss method that WORKS. 

We CAN get in the best shape of our lives, living in our dream body, even as busy moms!

With my psychology degree, I know how to help women transform their lives. With a certification in Fitness and Nutrition along with close to a decade of experience as a specialist for behavior change - it's no wonder that over 1500+ women lives have been transformed, not only physically, but mentally and emotionally too!

These are everyday people of all shapes and sizes from all walks of life. 

Real results with real people.

And now... I want YOU to experience this kind of transformation too! You know you deserve it!

Get Lean for Life!

Busy Mamas, Meet the Lean for Life Coaching Program

Lean for Life is an all-inclusive online fitness program using a simplified re-education system to help women unlearn unhealthy habits & create the body, and life, of their dreams. It’s for women who are CEO-level busy and have it all — except the confidence they want & knowledge they need to create a fitness plan that works for THIS season of life.

Whether your goal is weight loss, to drop body fat, get toned, feel healthier, improve digestion, have a healthier metabolism,  balance your hormones, or to just stop overeating… we take the guesswork out for you.

When you join, you get everything you need to revolutionize your health for the long term: 

A Deep-Dive Fitness Assessment and Dietary Consultation: Our nutritionists and fitness coaches give you the foundation for real change with an advanced analysis of your unique situation. 

Custom Macro Nutrition Plan: You get a personalized diet plan that leaves lots of room to eat what you want — and stay on track! 

The Done-For-You Workout Plan: We design a custom workout routine just for your body and schedule — one you can do without feeling exhausted or overwhelmed (or even driving to the gym!). 

Plus, you’ll have all the support, expertise, and love you need to make it happen: 

Monthly Group Coaching Calls (with Yours Truly): We’ll meet on Zoom every month to bust through your limiting beliefs and overcome your challenges in a supportive environment. (Plus! You get exclusive invites to other client-only LIVE trainings!) 

Personal Check-Ins: Our Team Lean Coaches will review your stats, pics, and progress every month to keep you on track. (Psst! We ACTUALLY care & coach with kindness and compassion— so we don’t dish that nasty “shaming vibe” like most bro trainers do) 

Everything in One App (Including your New Fit-Friends!): The Lia Kinn App gives you access to a daily activity tracker and — best of all — a community of women who you can message for questions and support when you need it most! 

Live FB Workouts & More: You’ll get a ticket to our Private Team Lean Facebook Community where you get daily posts from your coaches, fun workouts, and LIVE training and Q&A. 

The Formula for Fat Loss Mindset Training: We show you how to ditch those extra lbs and keep them off by changing how you think. This is what you’ve been missing — and you won’t believe how easy fitness is once you flip your “inner switch" and actually educate + empower yourself with the facts!

Ready to get off the dieting rollercoaster — and feel confident for life

If you’re serious about sparking joy on the daily, then this is the program for you.

Yes, Sign Me Up Yesterday!

Lean for Life Alumni are saying: “This is Life-Changing!”

I just feel stronger. I feel fueled. My body feels healthy, my body feels happy

"I was initially 150 pounds & I had lost 10 pounds on my own. I was eating next to nothing but once I joined the Lean For life program, she opened my eyes to a whole new world of fueling my body with the right foods for my body and for my ideal weight in this process. I was able to go down to 118 pounds. I just feel stronger.

I feel fueled my body feels healthy, my body feels happy. I'm not having any more health issues because I know health is very, very closely tied with your with that you're consuming. And I just have Lia to thank for this. I couldn't have done it without you Lia. So I really really thank you and I appreciate everything you have done for me."

- Gaby

Get Lean . . . for Life!

I lost 15 pounds doing Lia's program

"I lost 15 pounds doing Lia's program, and it has been the greatest decision that I have made in my health and physical life. Trust me when I say this because I have been struggling with food ever since I was 12 years old.

This has been the longest that I've been able to keep off the weight because Lia gave me my personalized set of macros that I feel energised, I feel full at the end of the day, and I'm able to track in a piece of cake if I want to. And I also was able to do 20 minute workouts, I don't have to be stuck in traffic to go to the gym for two hours, and feel totally fatigued after and it's amazing what her and her team have to offer."


Get Lean . . . for Life!

The program is so much more than just weight loss

"I went from feeling so defeated and down about myself to feeling more confident and capable of reaching the goals that I've set for myself, with the tools that have been provided to me.

Flexible dieting really has changed everything for me. I'm able to stick to my plan and eat foods that I enjoy and foods that I like.

I tried a lot of different diets and I always felt so restricted and nothing worked. I couldn't stick to anything and with the Lean For Life program, I can eat things that I enjoy and that I like, and they fit into my plan.

But the program is so much more than just weight loss. Lia has really helped me change my mindset about food and my relationship with myself. I've really learned a lot about myself through her program and I'm so grateful for that.

I feel like if you get on the journey and you really stick to it, you find so much more than just weight loss. The program really has helped me change my relationship with food."

- Cari

Change Your Relationship With Food Like, Cari


The Last Weight Loss Program You Will Ever Need

  • Exclusive client-only invitation to the Lia Kinn app where you can access your custom nutrition & exercise plan built for you to follow every 30 days for max results
  • Your very own Success Team of Personal Trainers & Nutrition Coaches who receive real-time notifications of your completed workouts & food diary to review your stats and offer feedback and coaching in real time
  • Stay consistent with healthy habits by using our app to log your workouts + meals, track progress, upload pictures, and chat directly with your Accountability Group for daily guidance and support
  • Tools, resources, and strategies to accelerate your journey and guarantee you have everything you need to build the body of your dreams that you can sustain long term
  • Membership in the Team Lean Community for LIVE Workout Classes and fitness challenges for motivation, PLUS access to client-only Events, Workshops, Trainings, and Masterclasses for education and accountability 

Invest in You

Because Your Health is Everything & Without it you have Nothing

If every day you’re waking up feeling bleh, that’s your cue that something is off and this program is for you.

You are far too brilliant to be the thing standing in your way, and you don’t deserve to suffer in silence and struggle day to day.

Our health affects ALL areas of our life and hiring a coach working on your own personal growth isn’t selfish, it’s SMART!

Your hair stylist colors your hair, your nail tech does your mani/pedi...

...this is your body and you wear it every day!

Think about how much of our lives we waste feeling down and defeated and carry that energy into everything; our business, career, relationship with our kids, closeness with our spouse, all of it is impacted negatively when we feel stuck & costing way more than we realize.

There’s more to health than what you weigh… it’s also about how you FEEL, not just physically, but mentally and emotionally too. It’s how you’re showing up in your life and who you’re being day to day.

Give yourself LIFE again!

Lean for Life is your one-stop shop for a complete mind and body lifestyle transformation!

Look, if you've made it to here we're friends now so I can shoot it straight -- we either pay for this now, or get older and even more sick paying for it later MISSING OUT ON A FULL AND THRVING LIFE WE COULD HAVE HAD if we just said YES and believed “it’s possible this actually could work for me!”

Your body is not broken and you are not doomed – all you need is a new approach, the right strategy for your current season of life, and consistent support & accountability for implementation so you actually stick to this and go all the way.      

Lean for Life saves you thousands over pricey trainers, nutritionists, gym memberships, life coaches, and accountability programs. We offer four levels of investment based on how much support you need so this is a no-brainer decision. And it’s all at your convenience, on your schedule.

The Worldā€™s Most Complete Fitness Program

We help our clients predictably lose weight and keep it off by following our science-backed formula for fat loss. No gimmicks or tricks -- healthy sustainable habits that will simply...change your life! Then, after a successful Cut Season, we use our signature Lean for Life Method to Reverse Diet our clients out of a Cut and into their Maintenance Season so all of our clients not only get lean but stay lean!

AND Check Out This Treasure Trove of Additional Bonuses

Every Lean for Life Program comes with a wealth of bonuses to ensure your success:

The “Break Up with Binging” Self-Paced Program

Overcome your emotions, connect with deep self-love . . . and stop spinning out of control. Our anti-binging system is like no other. 

The Team Video Vault & Library

This encyclopedic resource contains a whole world of fitness and dietary knowledge — all in practical, easy-to-use videos and cheat sheets.

The Lean for Life Coaching Prep Kit 

Meal planners, easy recipes, done-for-you shopping lists . . . and even MORE good stuff to make life transformation stress-free.

Are You Living the Life You Deserve?

Lean for Life Coaching is for women who want to feel in control of their health and love how they look!

For women who are done screwing around with diets that don’t work . . . fitness gurus who don’t care . . . and pounds that keep creeping back. 

If that’s you — fed up with dieting — then I hope you’ll take this opportunity to transform your confidence here for good.

Here’s a recap of what you get with every plan:

Mindset Transformation Training that makes nutrition and movement feel exciting again . . .

Custom Exercise and Nutrition Plans that meet your needs, your preferences, your goals, your life . . .

Support From Certified Trainers and Nutritionists to accelerate your journey and make it sustainable . . .

Accountability from New Friends who are here to cheer you on and celebrate your success . . .

The Complete Bonus Package to make it all SIMPLE, even if you’ve been stuck for years.

Yes, I'm In!

Joining Lia's program was definitely one of the best things I've ever done for myself

"I had been following Lia on social media for some time and I really resonated with what she was teaching and it was a flexible dieting that I felt was truly balanced and something that I could do and not feel restricted doing. And most importantly, I picked Lia and her program because unlike other weight loss programs, this program truly targets your mindset and your limiting beliefs when it comes to weight loss. Lia so kindly and beautifully helps you reprogram your brain to achieve these amazing results. And that's the true magic in this program.

The mindset work that you do here translates to all aspects of your life, and I've seen it happen in my own life. And Lia's community is unlike anything I've experienced."

- Raju

Your goals become our goals

Take control — once and for all — with Team Lean . . . and see a happier, sexier, more confident you in your first 12 weeks.

Do it for yourself. Do it for your family. Do it for LIFE!

Iā€™m Ready for a New Me!

You Probably Have A Few Questions... Great! We Have Answers

What is Lean for Life?

A Personal Training Plan for women who want to lose up to -20 lbs in their first 12 weeks. As a client, you’ll learn the tools to lose weight and keep it off through exercise, nutrition, and healthy habits… you’ll transform your body AND mind here. 

Think of the Lean for Life plan as your roadmap to your ultimate dream body! Myself and my team of expert Certified Co-Coaches will take you through a life-changing journey that we build out custom for you based on your body, goals, lifestyle, and the Season of Fitness that you’re currently in. This isn’t just a generic weight loss plan; it’s a transformative experience designed to be the last weight loss plan you ever need.

How long is the Lean for Life plan?

This is a fully personalized monthly coaching experience so the timeline depends on you! If you'd like to pre-pay for your first 12-Week Season to get a savings, we do have that option.

What if I want to continue on longer than the 12 weeks?

You absolutely can! And we encourage it! The Lean for Life program is about weight loss of course, but we support women through ALL Seasons of their fitness journey and realize that every woman will have different goals. We help our clients reach BIG weight loss goals 12 weeks at a time and transition from Cut Season to their Maintenance, so when your 12-week plan ends, you’ll be invited to continue and can choose to enroll in another 12-week program or move into a monthly membership, based on your next fitness goals we set together.

What is the cost to join?

As a client, you'll receive a fully customized 12-Week Training Plan to reach your goals, and depending on the level of support you're looking for, we have Bronze for $397 per month, Silver for $747 per month, and Gold for $1,111 per month (12-week pay in full options available).

Will I work with my own Personal Trainer inside?

Yes! You’ll have access to Team Lean throughout every step of your journey. Think of us as your very own Success Team! Your 4 coaches are Certified in Personal Training, and Nutrition Coaching PLUS specialize in an additional area of health and fitness - postpartum, behavior change, weight loss, accountability. As your Trainers, we’ll be looking closely at you, your body, your goals, your schedule, your lifestyle, and so much more to build out the PERFECT plan that’s guaranteed to get you to your goals… then we’ll be there to guide, support, and coach you along the way. You don’t have to “hope” you’ll succeed here; you WILL! Because you’ll have experts in your corner keeping stats on you every step of the way.

What results can I expect? How much weight will I lose?

The possibilities are endless and the areas in which you’ll see success here are broad. My clients are losing weight, toning and strengthening their bodies, building endurance, discovering new-found confidence and self-worth, gaining knowledge and clarity, feeling happier and more energized, enjoying exercise, and so much more…

In terms of weight loss, clients who fully commit to the process and follow our Lean Like Lia Method lose -20 lbs in their first 12 weeks and keep it off long-term.

Iā€™ve struggled with losing weight for a long time, how do I know this will work for me?

You’ve never followed a plan like this one before! My Lean Like Lia Method is backed by science and works 100% of the time when you follow it, so it WILL work for you. I know you’ve experienced failure in the past, but that’s because the PLANS you chose failed you. Nothing is wrong with you - you’re 100% capable of losing weight. How do I know? Because you have a human body, and my team and I specialize in transforming human bodies.

Our client success rate is incredibly high because this isn’t just another generic plan, no! It’s a plan built for YOU! This means it’s guaranteed to work – it will make sense for your body, fitness level, schedule, and goals, so you reach your goals and actually enjoy the journey.

You’re brilliant! Look at you and all you’ve accomplished in your life! You’ve just been missing a few pieces of the puzzle when it comes to weight loss… and Lean for Life IS those pieces. When you hire us, you get to focus on excelling in all the other areas of your life, and we’ll take over this area - we’ll give you the plan, teach you how to follow it, and support you, so you stay consistent. It’s a no-brainer this WILL work for you, just like it’s worked for the 1,500+ other brilliant, badass women I’ve worked with over the past 8 years.

“I understand that, but what if it doesn’t work Lia?”

But what if it DOES?

Do I need a gym membership? What workout equipment do I need?

Nope! No gym membership is required! The Lean for Life workouts we’ll build for you are meant to be done at home, but can also be done in a gym if you prefer. In terms of equipment, you don’t need much! Grab a yoga mat to protect your joints and a set of dumbbells — they sell light (5 lb) and heavy (10 lb) sets inexpensively at Walmart, TJMaxx, Marshalls, etc, and that’s all you need to transform your body! Less is more! Myself and my clients are proof.

What if I get sick or one week I can't stick to the plan?

No problem! We're going to teach you how to pivot here and how to adjust the plan so you avoid plateauing no matter your circumstances. We're here to do real life with you and show you what to do to go from struggling to successful!

Do you work with clients internationally?

Yes! The Lean for Life Personal Training plan is 100% virtual and our coaching is done on mobile so it's available internationally to all you wonderful women worldwide.

Can I join if I have dietary restrictions? Vegan, vegetarian, gluten-free, etc?

Yes, this is a non-diet-specific membership. Macro tracking, and the custom nutrition goals calculated for you, can be followed using any diet or eating style of your preference. However, the recipes provided by myself and Team Lean are not designed for those following a specific dietary plan but they can be tweaked and adjusted as needed.

Will I get a meal plan?

We can support you with meal planning, but our goal is to provide you a flexible approach to your nutrition with a customized MACRO plan so you know exactly what to eat for your body with recipes that fit your lifestyle.

I have questions about Lean for Life, can I speak with someone from your team before I join?

Of course! We’re happy to chat with you, answer any questions you may have, and confirm we feel we’re a good fit to work together before you enroll. You can send me a DM on Instagram (click here) or you can send me an email at [email protected] and a member of my Team will respond within 24-48 hours.

Okay, Iā€™m ready! How do I get started?!

Dream body, here you come! Scroll down to select the plan option you’d prefer + submit your enrollment, then sit back and relax because we’ll take over from there - your goals are our goals now! You’ll receive an email immediately after enrolling with all the details on the next steps. We're excited to review your consult and book in our first call training session and coaching call! CHEERS to stepping into the healthiest, happiest, most confident version of yourself! Let’s go!

Your goals become our goals

It's our greatest honor to get to know you and take the guesswork out of your nutrition & exercise plan. You'll feel confident knowing exactly how much to eat, what to eat, & the best exercises to do, so you drop body fat, boost your metabolism, tone up, and together we will build your dream body.


I'm Ready To Get Lean

What Results You Can Expect

Let's Break It Down

  • DAY 1—  The first day of this program is going to be your best one yet! You'll have increased motivation and clarity because for once, there's nothing left up in the air. All that guessing will become a thing of past with everything clearly laid out for you so you know exactly how to achieve maximum weight loss results as soon as possible inside.
  • DAY 3 — You're excited! You're experiencing a whole new world where diet and exercise can be fun and're thinking, "I can actually do this!!!"
  • Day 7 — By week 1 of the program, you'll be feeling more energized and ready to take on the world! You can lose up to 1-3 pounds in the first 7 days, your bloat is gone, you're feeling lean, and starting to see the inches come off.
  • Month 1 – You are empowered by the changes you've made to your body and feeling more confident than you have in years. Your metabolism has increased, allowing for weight loss every day! By now you will be noticing an improvement in your appearance as well — leaner, tighter, more firm, clearer skin, and less overall body fat surrounding areas like your midsection, thighs, waist...
  • Month 2 — You're feeling better in your body! You feel lighter with more stamina, strength, and endurance! Your sleep and libido have improved, plus you're feeling stronger physically AND mentally/emotionally.
  • Month 3 – You're in the mirror and it's like watching someone who is not you. You see yourself changing, feeling so different than before - you're finally thinking more clearly and feeling more in control because you have a thriving fitness routine that's replaced all signs of emotional eating for good.  This new level of confidence shines... you're fitting in your old clothes again and it feels good for people to be noticing!  And what feels even more incredible? It didn't just happen overnight — 12 weeks have passed by while you worked hard every single day towards your goal and built the foundation to sustain this lifestyle and results for the rest of your life. mentally/emotionally.

We Become Our Choices

Are you ready to step into the next BEST version of yourself? The version of you who's LEAN, happy, healthy, confident, motivated, proud... You deserve it!

OR, will you, even after reading this far, choose to keep trying to figure this out on your own? You can try, of course, and I admire your determination! But you've done that... and if you want a NEW result now, you need to do something DIFFERENT! If you don't make a change, nothing will change... we know because we've been in your shoes! But you're just ONE choice away from the body and life of your dreams — we're here to take you all the way! You say "I'm in!" and we'll set you up with the tools to start seeing results immediately.

Let's Go! I'm In!

Our Certified Personal Trainers & Nutrition Coaches are ready for you! All you have to do is meet us halfway and say "yes!"

Lean For Life is an all-inclusive program and community that empowers you with expert support from women who are just like you; we’re successful businesswomen, mama’s, AND we’re fitness trainers and nutritional experts, so you don’t have to be — let us take the guesswork out for you! We know what it’s like when you’re first starting out and have big fitness goals for yourself. Lia alone has lost -45 lbs pre and postpartum! The methodology used with her private coaching clients will take you from beginner to expert so that you too can succeed and get Lean Like Lia! LET'S DO THIS!! 

Join us today and jumpstart your fitness journey with Team Lean!

I'm Ready To Get Lean

Lean for Life

Personal Training + Life Coaching
  • Exclusive Access to the client-only Lia Kinn mobile app
  • A deep-dive Consultation + Fitness Assessment
  • Personalized nutrition plan with custom macro and calorie goals
  • Done-for-you workout training plan built specifically for your goals and dream body
  • Orientation Call with Team Lean Co-Coach to discuss Client Consultation, Plan Overview, and best ways to maximize your time inside the program
  • 2 week check-in call to review progress and ways to accelerate results
  • Detailed private monthly progress check-in consult for coaching feedback and plan updates
  • Monthly progress stat and picture updates
  • One Group Monthly Coaching Call with Head Coach Lia Kinn
  •  Daily habit goals and tracking
  • Real-time feedback and coaching on completed daily tasks
  • Small accountability group for texting, picture sharing, and resource tagging with the Team Lean Coaches
  • 24/7 access to an Accountability Group in the app with Team Lean & other members of the program
  • Complimentary monthly Q&A calls + invitations to exclusive client-only trainings
  • Kajabi Client Portal: Lean Like Lia Resource Library & Break Up with Binging Self-Paced Course
  • Video Vault, on-demand training modules: Mindset, Seasons of Fitness, Book Clubs, Masterclasses & Workshops, & Level Up Podcast.
  • Client Kit for getting prepped - Nutrition E-Books, Progress Tracker, Recipe Book, Meal Planner Guide, Meal Plan Templates, Weekend Meal Plan Samples, Appetizers, Takeout Guide, Grocery Shopping Lists, Macros 101 & 102 Guides, Weekly Personal Planner, Condiment Guide, Tips for Eating Out, Macro Friendly Food List!
  • Complimentary access to our Private Team Lean Facebook Community - daily posts from Lia and co-coaches, monthly events calendar; health & fitness challenges, LIVE online group workout classes, LIVE community coaching calls, LIVE training, Workshops/Masterclasses, LIVE Q&A calls. 

Apply Here >>

Unsure of which plan to pick and have specific questions you want answered? 

We’re here to help! Whether you need some advice or just want an idea of what’s possible, connect with our team to learn more about the perfect plan we can create for you & your needs.

Jump On A Call

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